Letter to the Editor: Port Commissioner Keahy Needs Time Out


I was appalled at the shameful behavior of Commissioner Dan Keahy at a recent Port of Centralia meeting. When I asked if there are any other meetings besides the bi-monthy ones, he became accusatory and disrespectful. The question really only required a yes or no answer. But instead, he chose to question my motives for asking. This makes me wonder if they have something to hide. Usually, people do not act this way when truth is on their side. 

Next, I suggested the port establish a volunteer citizen’s advisory committee, like the Port of Olympia has. You can guess how well that went over with them. Mr. Keahy asked why I thought they needed one and I said it might help with communications and transparency between the Port and the citizens. Instead of just accepting my suggestion, Mr. Keahy again attacked me by questioning my knowledge of the very definition of transparency. Ms. Shaffley also jumped in feeling the need to defend the port’s audits and financial position. Those two things were never even brought up by me. I do not know if the port has something to hide but, their behavior is suspect. I am tired of their disrespectful, bullying tactics.

They are not an entity unto themselves. They are accountable to the citizens of this city. We, the people, put them in those positions and we can take them out. Take a look at your property taxes you received in the mail recently and see how much of your money is going to the Port. Are they living up to your expectations?

Please join me at the next Port of Centralia meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month at 3:00 pm, 3508 Galvin Rd. But, be advised, they frequently cancel and reschedule these meetings. So, call first or check their website for updates. UPDATE: Next meeting re-scheduled to Feb. 26th.


Jan Banevich
