Letter to the Editor: Of Mice, Monkeys and Men


The University of Washington Coronavirus vaccine shows strong immune response in monkeys and mice.

The U of W got some mice and Macaque monkeys to volunteer for this vaccine study.  Now they just need some (college) men to volunteer, though they may have to pay them.  Yet, on the other hand I’ve heard that you can get some of those college kids to do anything.

In reading further in this article I noticed The U of W used young and old mice,  so I guess they would have to acquire some old college students as well which means they would probably have to pay the older, wiser ones, which probably means the younger students would demand equal pay for the equal work or they would form a huge protest and start burning textbooks and breaking windows and stomping on old lab mice.

Their article goes on to say that responses that work well in monkeys, translate well in humans. I guess man did not originate from mice, but from monkeys and maybe that’s the case because I remember my father in law used to say “I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.”

The researchers continue to monitor the monkeys that have received the vaccine. The only problem that developed during the monitoring was when the monkeys became aggressive and started tearing up their surroundings until their banana allotment was increased. 

Hmm — maybe we did come from monkeys.


Thomas R. Hicker
