Letter to the Editor: Democrats Are Like Spoiled Children


The Democratic party and its followers are the biggest crybabies on the planet. It has been almost two years since they lost the Presidential election. The results made the Democrats and the mainstream media look stupid. President Obama states during the campaign that it would be impossible for someone to fix the election. When Donald Trump wins the election, the Democrats scream collusion with the Russians to fix the election. After exhaustive investigation it is announced there is no evidence of collusion by Donald Trump. Mainstream media spent fifteen seconds reporting that. The investigation did show an enormous amount of collusion with the Russians by the DNC and the Clinton Foundation. What, you haven’t heard about the false information presented to the court, paid for by the DNC to create a special counsel to investigate Russian collusion? The FBI caught on tape saying they don’t want Trump to win the election. Kommey decides to clear Hillary before the investigation is even done interviewing people. 

You Democrats just don’t care about laws, you are like the spoiled child on the playground that doesn’t get his way and has a temper tantrum. The media is no better, they will not broadcast any positive news about the President, why, because President Trump makes them look stupid. The special counsel formed to investigate Russian collusion has turned to something that happened ten years ago. Maybe Stormy Daniels is a Russian, and what does it have to with the election? You hypocritical Democrats give standing ovations for Bill Clinton who lied to a grand jury about sexual relations he had with Monica in the oval office. Was he forced to resign? Hillary deleting and trying to cover up her leaking classified information is okay with the Democrats. Paula Jones says Billy boy pulled his pants down and exposed himself in front of her. According to broadcast monitoring the media gave that story fifteen seconds, another did not even cover it. The crybaby Democrats and media make it publicly known their sole purpose is to undermine the presidency, and they really don’t care if they lie to do it. 

Voting Democrats swallow it hook line and sinker. Elected Democrats have become deranged politicians that are the real reason America voted for Trump. The working people with brains that voted for Trump are tired of the liars that politicians have become. 

Millions of votes cast by illegal immigrants is okay with the Democrats, and the FBI. There are 160 counties with more registered voters than population. Voting in our election when not a citizen is a felony. Okay with the FBI if you were for Hillary. Democratic voters have blinders on and follow what is reported like sheep.

President Trump wants to stop illegal immigration. All you Democrats that want unrestricted immigration can pat yourselves on the back for trying to affect the outcome of the election with illegal votes and making voter fraud acceptable. Democrats please wake up from your dream and act like responsible voters and elected officials.


Kevin E. Turner
