Letter to the Editor: A Vote for Long is a Vote for Establishment Democrats


Are you voting for Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi? That is what you will get if you vote for Carolyn Long. You will get Maxine Waters, who is determined to impeach President Donald Trump. This turmoil will devastate the country for the next two years. 

Maxine continues to spread her hate by encouraging the radicals to get in the face of everyone who isn’t a Democrat.

Every day, Republican legislators are confronted in restaurants, airports, etc., with people screaming in their ear and tormenting them. Someone is going to get hurt or even killed because of Maxine’s vile behavior.

You will get Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, who will spend the next two years incessantly resisting Trump. This will stop all of the good that is currently happening with our economy.

Voting for Carolyn Long will result in open borders, shutting down ICE, and turning Washington into another sanctuary/welfare state like California.

In November, you won’t be voting for Carolyn Long; you will be voting for all of the baggage that comes with Democrats taking back the majority in Congress.

I encourage all of you to vote for Jaime Herrera Beutler so our country can continue its current prosperity. Let’s make America even greater than it is!


Dale Luger
