Letter: Policy Over Party


I want to point out that, what we need is representation beyond the qualities of one’s character, gifts of speaking, and educational achievements. 

We have had some candidates in the past who have said all the right stuff and may have looked great “on paper” or in person. Warm, thoughtful, “funny” and well versed in connecting to the voters using the gift of gab, and spoken desires to serve the interests of the people. 

If we are doing so well under the status quo of establishment politics as usual, I may be inclined to support a candidate like Carolyn Long. Sadly we are not! 

We have voted for candidates who are still in office today. That are very similar to candidate Long and what has that brought?

I hope to see a more “representative of the people” candidate than in the past. A fighter who is not going to fall in line behind what I see as: failures to defend our rights, democracy, and policies. This will benefit the people over a “centrist” behavioral pattern of pro war military occupation, “corporate friendly” and “donor class” legislation.

So many candidates have earned wonderful educational tools to help them do well in society, but few have served in the failed system of military interventionism or have had a target on their backs for days, weeks, months, and years. That may be a litmus test or experience of reality that I am for supporting in office with today’s horribly bribed and bought off political system. 

I am all but done with the “same old, same old.” I have heard it all before. When I hear excuses why we should shore up a “for profit” health insurance system that is a measure to keep a single payer system from taking center stage on the political pulpit. Then the more excuses why taking PAC money is OK if it aligns with ones “values.” That sounds like a real “slippery slope” as some might say. 

If you are fine with NAFTA, deregulation of banks and telecommunications, deregulation, bail outs of business who have not followed the rules of law or focused only on profits instead of taking care of the very people who make their business profitable. 

Failures to prosecute criminal actions or turn a blind eye to the same, expanding wars instead of working to solve them.

If you think that health care should stay in the hands of the “for profit insurance business” or keep taking money from those who benefit most from Citizens United. I say we are going to keep getting the gift because “it will keep on giving” us crumbs from the table of the wealthiest making our lives a nightmare and future generations impossible to sustain. 

The honesty I want to see today is what many people already know.

Policy must be the goal!

“Policy over Parties” is how “We the people” will win. 

Real unity is when we can all get behind the policy that best serves the public as a whole. Not a polished well presented talking point from one camp or the other.  

Dorothy Gasque is the candidate who I am supporting to represent the people of the third congressional district and beyond.

Oz Lafave


in a letter to the editor