Letter: Abortions Punish Innocent Babies for Indiscretions of Adults


Those who want to defend abortion, and especially the billion-dollar abortion industry, often use rape and incest as the ultimate objection. This is a legitimate question and deserves an answer, but let’s remember that according to Guttmacher Institute (Planned Parenthood’s research arm), less than 2 percent of women who have abortions say that rape or incest were the reason. Most abortion defenders just want to use this objection to validate the 98 percent of abortions that are carried out under much less tragic circumstances.

But what about pregnancies from rape or incest? It is a common question you’ll get if you stand against abortion in any way. Since incest is rape of a family member, I’m talking about both when I use the term “rape” below. I think all caring people are both grieved and angered by the violent tragedy of rape. We should do all we can to help women who have suffered this injustice get the care and healing they need. We should also ensure that rapists are appropriately punished for their crimes. Some people, but not most, might suggest the death penalty for a rapist.

But what about the daughters of rapists? Should they be punished for the crimes of their father? Of course not. No daughter of a rapist should be punished for her father’s crime — not even his unborn daughter. Unfortunately, that is exactly what abortion always does, it punishes an innocent, defenseless baby for the crimes or indiscretions of adults. Some ask, “Would you force a mother to bring a baby into the world that was conceived by rape?” Once a baby is conceived, she is in the world, just not able to defend herself in any way. 

The real question is, “How should we treat an innocent person in the world who reminds us of a tragic event?” We should treat her with at least basic decency and justice, and hopefully a great deal of compassion, the same as we extend to her mother. She should never receive the death penalty for the crimes of her father. The violent tragedy of abortion never erases the violent tragedy of rape.

Many women who have faced the tragedy of rape have seen their pregnancy and delivery of the baby as a way to heal and fight back against the rapist. “You may have hurt me, but I will not allow you to hurt my baby!” 

When given the facts about abortion, most women are much stronger and braver than the abortion industry wants us to believe. Whether they parent the child, or graciously place her to be adopted, they find hope and healing by choosing life. Don’t believe me, hear directly from some of these women and their children by going to this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrYOj3iwskk 

So where are you on abortion? Still have questions or objections to ending this terrible practice? Let’s talk about it openly, honestly and compassionately.


Ted Bowes 
