Running Start Orientations Begin March 2 at Centralia College


Running start orientations for students who will be high school juniors and seniors in the fall are scheduled to start March 2 and last through June 3 at Centralia College. 

High school juniors and seniors intending to participate in the Running Start program at Centralia College in September need to attend an orientation.

 A Spanish language orientation will be held March 19. An orientation in Morton will be held May 11.

All orientations take place at 7 p.m. and are located on Monday, March 2, Walton Science Center Room 121 (WSC 121); on Thursday, March 19, En Espanol, WSC 121; on Tuesday, April 7, WSC 121; on Wednesday, April 22, WSC 121; on Thursday, May 7, WSC 121; on Monday, May 11, Centralia College East, Morton; Monday, May 18, WSC 121; Wednesday, June 3, WSC 121.

 Running Start is a state-funded program that allows high school juniors and seniors to attend Centralia College tuition-free, saving students time and money later in life. Some students are able to earn their high school diploma and an associate degree at the same time. Centralia College also loans books and waives class fees for lower-income students.

For more information, go to the Advising/Counseling Center on the second floor of the TransAlta Commons, call 360-623-8967, or email