Centralia Middle School ASB Sells Socks, Gives to Homeless


Recently, the Centralia Middle School Associated Student Body sold a large number of specially designed socks that bear the school logo and colors in a fundraiser. 

Contracted with Your City Sports, the ASB created 120 pairs of socks that were then sold to students for $12 each. The funds raised help support ASB activities at the middle school.

Your City Sports also provided the ASB with 120 additional pairs of socks to be donated to the association’s charity of choice. The group picked Twin Cities Mission, which thanked the students and said socks were something the shelter never has enough of. 

The idea for the fundraiser came to fruition as a community service effort after ASB officers spoke with assistant principal and athletic director Tod Pickett. Pickett said it would be a good chance for the student’s do something for school spirit while helping the community.

Your City Sports bases its business model on Tom’s Shoes, a company that donates a pair of shoes to charity for every pair it sells. In the past year, the business has donated 12,000 pairs of socks to homeless shelters throughout the nation and Canada.