$2.6 Million in Additional Sales: Port of Chehalis Approves Supplemental Budget


Port of Chehalis commissioners on Thursday adopted a supplemental budget for this year reflecting additional sales proceeds that total $2.6 million.

The funds will be used for several “big ticket items,” according to Randy Mueller, chief executive officer for the port. 

The money will be used to pay off approximately $1.25 million of debt, and $300,000 will be set aside to purchase neighboring property. The other $670,000 will boost the port’s cash reserves. 

The rest is being spent to fix the port’s freeway billboard, fund the port’s share of a joint permit study, pay J. Vander Stoep for his work on flood advocacy with the Governor’s Chehalis Basin Work Group, fund the installation of optic data lines in the industrial park, pay for the demolition of three former rental homes on port property and to make properties more shovel-ready for construction.

Commissioners approved the supplemental budget after holding a public hearing during which no comment was received.

Commissioners also took a closer look at the 2017 budget, the final version of which will be adopted at a November port meeting. The budget reflects up to a 5 percent increase in salaries, doubling both marketing funds and money for capital projects, as well as increasing maintenance personnel to a full time position.

The budget will allow the port to put about $20,000 into the bank.

“We can start putting away money for when we need it,” Mueller said, calling it a “healthy budget.” 

Among additional expenses is $50,000 to fund the Chehalis Community Renaissance Team with its ongoing work in revitalizing downtown Chehalis.

Several members of the organization spoke to commissioners to provide them with background information on the organization, and they thanked them for their consideration.

Commissioners gave Mueller the authority to close the Pacific Mobile Structures Inc. sale. The sale was previously authorized for $1.5 million. 

The sale is one of the three reflected in the supplemental budget that accounted for the additional sales proceeds for the 2016 year. It is the last one that needed to be closed. 

Port attorney Brian Kelly advised commissioners to grant Mueller the authority to close the sale, citing the only thing left to do is some paperwork. 

In other port news, Rick Rouse, senior director of operations for the port was honored with a  resolution for his 10 years of service to the port. 

Commissioners also approved a lease with OSC Vocational Systems, Inc. for a small office in the port building which is about 7 feet wide. The standard month to month lease will start on Oct. 1.