‘Birthday Cake Bandit’ Spotted in Chehalis?


The Chehalis Police Department received a report of a possible sighting of a woman dubbed the “Birthday Cake Bandit” at 10:34 p.m. Tuesday in the 1600 block of Northwest Louisiana Avenue.

Shauntel Raymur earned the nickname after allegedly using stolen credit cards to buy cake, according to Washington’s Most Wanted. She is accused of breaking into vehicles to steal purses and credit cards, and is wanted in Snohomish and Skagit counties on theft charges.

“The person believed they saw her because they watched it on Washington’s Most Wanted,” said Detective Sgt. Gary Wilson, of the Chehalis Police Department.

Wilson said officers were not dispatched in time to find the woman and ascertain if she was, in fact, the Birthday Cake Bandit. He said investigators have not been able to access security camera footage from the area.

Raymur is known to drive a dark blue Chevrolet Tahoe, and according to Washington’s Most Wanted, was recently seen in Ocean Shores.